Customer Satisfaction Survey
Please help us improve our products/services by completing this questionnaire.

Would you recommend Star Atlassian 3D Printed Models to a friend or colleague?

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Overall, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with your purchase?

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Part 2/4: Service/Product Assessment

Did you have any issues purchasing or checking out?

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Do you have any suggestions or improvements for the website?

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Were you happy with the quality of the model?

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Do you have any suggestions what could be done better in terms of model design & print?

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What would you like to see drawn up and 3D Printed?

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Part 4/4: Additional Feedback

Do you have any other comments, questions, or concerns?

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If you would like a follow-up please leave your email address where you would you like to be contacted

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Leave a testimonial for use as marketing by Star Atlassian / Enigma 42

If you are happy to provide a testimonial please leave one below. Sign off with whatever name you wish to be publicly viewable or leave blank.

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