A portable living vessel with lush tropical biosphere and menacing bombing capabilities.
STL Files only.
Prints at 280mm x 190mmx  90mm
- Body
- Nose Cone
- Dome
- Jong Hong Park (Zen Garden)
- Jong Hong Park (Middle Island)
- Jong Hong Park (Rainforest)
- Water Insert
- Side Module Upper (L)
- Side Module Upper (R)
- Side Module Lower (L)
- Side Module Lower (R)
- Small Gun
- Large Gun
- Swivel Gun
- Double Barrel Gun
- Stand
Ver: 53
This 3D print is inspired by Star Atlas. STAR ATLAS and STAR ATLAS:POWERED BY THE PEOPLE are trademarks or registered trademarks of ATMTA, Inc. in the United States of America and elsewhere. This 3D print is manufactured and supplied by Enigma-42 in Australia. For any queries, please contact enigma@staratlassian.com. Enigma-42, Staratlassian, and this website are not associated with or sponsored by ATMTA, Inc. or Star Atlas.